To address the complex issue of how to keep guns out of the hands of individuals with mental health issues, a Democrat sponsored measure that creates a task force to study gun restrictions on the mentally ill was unveiled Friday.
Sponsored by Rep. Beth McCann, D-Denver, the bill is different from the legislation she floated, but eventually scrapped, last week that would have granted mental health providers the authority to limit the ability of a person to purchase a gun.
The measure filed Friday would call for the formation of a task force to “advise the general assembly regarding issues surrounding the loss, maintenance, and restoration of the right to purchase and possess firearms by persons who, as a result of mental health issues, alcohol abuse, or substance abuse, are clearly dangerous to the health and safety of themselves or others.”
If passed, the task force would be required to meet before July 20, 2013 — the one year anniversary of the Aurora theater shooting where 12 people were killed and 58 others were injured. The alleged gunman, James Holmes, had been seeing a psychiatrist prior to the shooting.
Moreover, the task force would be required to meet at least five times and report their findings and recommendations to state lawmakers no later than January 2015.
Democrats, who control both chambers and the governor’s office, have already passed stricter gun laws that limit ammunition magazines and require universal gun background checks in Colorado. Both bills were signed into law last month by Gov. John Hickenlooper.
All House and Senate Republicans voted in opposition to these measures.
McCann has said she hopes to have bipartisan support for this bill.
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